Wedding Minister in Fawsley Hall
by Sarah Vivienne Photography
When the rain is torrential and doesn’t let up all day, there are worse places you can be than Fawsley Hall.

Because of the terrible weather on Tobias and Ariane’s wedding day, we were confined to being indoors for the entire time. But Fawsley is blessed with some beautiful interiors, which we made use of for the Bride & Groom portraits.
Unusually we did these before the ceremony so that Tobi & Ari could spend more time with their guests, who had flown over from Germany, during the reception. Tobi and Ari had a ‘free wedding’ in Fawsley Hall, which is an alternative-style German ceremony, led by Wedding Minister (Celebrant) Inocentiu Fron.
For all intents and purposes, it was much like any other ceremony in terms of the format. But it felt a lot more personal and very intimate. And it was delivered in both English and German so that everyone could understand. Many of the guests were involved in the ceremony too with readings and music.
As I left they were enjoying the very British tradition of afternoon tea (which Fawsley does in the yummiest style).
Inocentiu studied Roman Catholic theology at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome and in London to be a Wedding Minister and Celebrant for rituals such as Baptisms, Funerals, etc. He lives in Germany and is active as a trained minister (wedding officiant) for alternative weddings since 2006. Many couples wish for a wedding with spiritual content but do not want the restrictions of a church setting or they want to promise the goodness of themselves as lovers and human beings without making reference to deities. Together with the couples, he designs services with the wording of the couple’s own choice, their own pledges, music, readings, and promises for giving of rings or gifts. The celebrant (marriage officiant) will conduct the ceremony in the manner you desire with prayers, blessings, and traditional or modern vows as you wish before your chosen witnesses, family, and friends.